Ashley is officially on Maternity leave! She finished up the school year last Friday, and she’s taking the fall off, so she won’t have to be back until January. I’m really excited about the extra time we’ll have together and the extra help around the house. Since I’m a work-at-home-father-to-be (I’ve been working from home now for about nine months doing web development, and I love it. I absolutely love it.), we’re both going to be home to do some serious nesting. Not to mention we’re going to have the best babymoon ever! Even this week, though, I’ve realized that having Ashley around the house all day is going to bring its challenges.

While Ashley was in school, I usually worked for about five hours or so during the day, took a little break when she got home to hang out and cook dinner, and then worked again at night while she was studying. We were used to hanging out when she was at home. One of the downfalls of being self-employed is that I don’t offer myself any sort of paternity leave (I know, I know… I really should get with the times). I’m thinking I need to iron out a little more structured schedule, or it will be way to tempting to sit around and watch movies all day.